9 Incredible Facts About Solar Panels (That You Probably Didn’t Know)

solar panel facts

Are you interested in learning more about solar panels? Do you live in an area where solar panels are common and wish you had the solar panel facts to understand them better? Are you wondering whether you should buy solar panels for your home?

The following facts about solar panels will help you learn more about the benefits of residential solar systems, and how they can improve your life.

9 Interesting Solar Panel Facts

1. A Single Rooftop Solar System Can Cut 100 Tons of C02 Over Its Lifetime

Solar panel systems have the potential to dramatically reduce pollution. In fact, a single rooftop system can cut up to 100 tons of CO2 emissions throughout its lifetime.

This is a dramatic reduction and one of the primary ways solar panels stand to help the environment.

By improving air quality for birds, animals, and the natural environment, rooftop solar systems help keep our planet green!

2. Most Solar Panels Boast a 275 - 350 Watt Capacity

Today, experts measure solar power in watts. Specifically, kilowatts, megawatts, gigawatts, and terawatts.

Most residential solar panels have wattage capacities between 275 and 350 watts and are robust enough to power an entire home.

3. The U.S. Has More Than One Million Solar systems

The millionth solar system was installed in the U.S. in 2016. Today, the number of solar power installs is projected to hit two million by the end of 2019!

This further underscores the fact that solar energy is one of the world’s most abundant and most in-demand resources.

4. Most Solar Systems Cost Less Than $4 per Watt to Install

While the price per watt for a new solar system was around $8 just 8-10 years ago, it’s since come down to about $4 a watt.

This is due to increased efficiency on the part of solar installers, more straightforward panels, and the growing number of solar installations across the country.

5. Modern Systems Will Also Work at Night

Lots of people looking at solar energy systems for their homes have one big question: “Will it work at night?” The answer is a resounding “yes.”

Today’s solar panel systems are capable of offering home-powering energy both day and night. They even work on cloudy days!

Thanks in large part to solar storage systems and the rise of solar batteries, it’s easy for the modern system to store power to draw upon when the system isn’t producing as much electricity.

6. Dollar for Dollar Credits from PG&E

If you install a solar power system on your home, and you produce more energy than you need, the un-used energy is sent back to the grid where PG&E currently offers dollar-for-dollar credits.

The goal is to maximize those credits during the summer time when a system is over producing and balance out the amount owed during the winter time, thus reducing your bill to as close to zero as possible.

If you purchase a system that’s sized right for your home base on the energy usage, in most cases it will pay for itself entirely in about 5-8 years based on this reduction in utility consumption.

7. Solar Panels Aren’t Affected by Property Taxes

Did you know that solar panels are fully exempt from property taxes? In fact, in California, they usually increase your home’s value.

As a result, they actually provide a better ROI than projects like a kitchen or bathroom remodel!

If you don’t want to install a new system at your new home, you can even choose to take the panels with you when you move.

8. Top Tier Solar Panels Offer Upwards of 20 Percent Efficiency

Today, it’s not uncommon for top-tier residential solar panels to operate at 20-23 percent efficiency.

Panels this productive have the potential to lower energy costs and enhance a home’s functionality substantially.

9. It Only Takes Sun About 10 Minutes to Reach Solar Panels

If you install solar panels on your home, the sun’s light will travel all the way through space and reach them within about ten minutes. This is despite the 90-million-mile distance.

In addition to being abundant and free, solar energy travels surprisingly quickly!

The Case for Solar Panels

Wondering why you need solar panels for your home? These ten facts surely offer some compelling reasons.

Today, solar energy systems for homes stand out as some of the most energy-efficient and affordable options in the world. Because of this, more and more homeowners turn to them annually.

To learn more about residential solar panels, contact our team here at Sandbar Solar.

As the largest residential and commercial solar installer in Santa Cruz County, Sandbar Solar & Electric takes real pride in our professional commitment to quality work, ethical solutions, community sponsorship, and environmental stewardship.

Give us a call today to learn more about our residential solar panel installations, or to meet our team of skilled solar panel installers.  

Jeremy Pearl

Jeremy has worked in the solar industry since 2006. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from UC Santa Cruz in Environmental Studies. Jeremy has spent most of his solar career in residential sales and Sales Management in both California and Hawaii. He was raised in Santa Cruz County and is passionate about helping local residents make the switch to clean and reliable renewable energy. Jeremy lives on the Westside with his wife and two boys and enjoys music, photography and hiking in his personal time.


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